訂房取消規定 Cancellation Refund Policy
- 入住日當日取消或入住日當天未入住者,扣取房價預付訂金100%。
- 住宿日前1日內取消訂房扣房費預付訂金金額80%。
- 住宿日前2-3日內取消訂房扣房費預付訂金金額70%。
- 住宿日前4-6日內取消訂房扣房費預付訂金金額60%。
- 住宿日前7-9日內取消訂房扣房費預付訂金金額50%。
- 住宿日前10-13日內取消訂房扣房費預付訂金金額30%。
- 住宿日前14日前(含14日)取消訂房扣房費預付訂金金額0%。
- 以上法令皆以是消保會公布觀光旅館業、旅館業、民宿個別旅客直接訂房定型化契約範本,於14日前取消之訂房皆須扣取100元手續費。
- 特殊因素:如預訂住宿當日,遇颱風、地震等不可抗拒因素時(以本縣市政府發佈狀況為判定準則),請以電話聯絡本民宿人員,依本民宿規定處理之。若因鋒面或颱風逐漸接近(但航空公司或船公司並未取消航班時)或其他因素---導致個人希望取消或改期,仍需依上述取消訂房規定來處理。
- 取消日天數計算以告知日起算為第一日;入住日前一日為計算最終日。
- 訂金保留期限為一年,每筆僅得保留一次,不得重複保留(期限內更改住宿日期次數以2次為限),保留使用後再次取消或逾期未使用,將扣取全額訂金100%。
- 本館退款作業須7-14個工作天,退款完成後會以訊息告知查收,請耐心等待。
Cancellation Refund Policy
- No refunds on cancellations if made on day of intended arrival or no show. (with exceptions to cancellations due to natural disasters and typhoons)
- For a 20% refund cancellations must be made no later than 3pm a day prior to intended arrival date.
- For a 30% refund cancellations must be made no later than 3pm, 2-3 days prior to intended arrival date.
- For a 40% refund cancellations must be made no later than 3pm, 4-6 days prior to intended arrival date.
- For a 50% refund cancellations must be made no later than 3pm, 7-9 days prior to intended arrival date.
- For a 70% refund cancellations must be made no later than 3pm, 10-13 days prior to intended arrival date.
- For a full refund cancellations must be made no later than 2 weeks prior to intended arrival date.